Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 5 Map 1

Wow! This was truly an eventful lab. I had so much difficulty trying to locate the layers that I gave up. Well that is until Amber gave me some really good advice. I learned a lot this lab, but most importantly I learned to ask questions! Although my lab is late I am still going to complete the assignment as it will be an advantage for my future labs and certification.

In this map I focused on the all the required data, but mainly Invasive plants and Public Land. I messed around with the layers for quite some time, but I didn't feel that the map depicted all the layers adequately without removing and adjusting some of the layers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks for taking the time to post even thought it is late. I'll deduct 1/2 point per day.
